Care for Mom to Be: Promoting Awareness and Support for Pregnant Women

A Social Campaign by Seyon Kim


Pregnant women often face challenges, particularly when it comes to traveling. Recognizing this, designer Seyon Kim created the "Care for Mom to Be" campaign to raise awareness about the needs of pregnant women and encourage others to create a more welcoming environment for them. This innovative campaign aims to make a positive impact on the lives of pregnant women, ensuring they receive the care and support they deserve.

Kim's unique approach to the campaign involves a logo that combines the figure of a pregnant person and the shape of a heart. This design element appeals to both men and women, encouraging everyone to respond positively and offer assistance to pregnant women in transit. By promoting awareness and empathy, the "Care for Mom to Be" campaign strives to create a more inclusive and supportive society.

The campaign materials, including posters and subway tickets, are strategically placed in public spaces such as subway stations and parking lots. By interacting with these materials, viewers can physically engage with the campaign and raise their awareness about the importance of caring for pregnant women.

Through three weeks of dedicated work in New York City, Kim developed the "Care for Mom to Be" campaign. Inspired by the lack of designated seats or parking spaces for pregnant women in both South Korea and the United States, Kim conducted research and interviews with pregnant women to better understand their needs. The solution was simple yet powerful: more care and generosity in public spaces, such as offering a seat or providing a helping hand.

One of the challenges Kim faced was creating a design that was easy to understand and memorable. The logo's neutral color palette, featuring warm pastel tones, avoids the stereotypical pink associated with pregnancy, making it more inclusive. The word-mark and overall typeface were carefully chosen to be friendly and universally appealing.

The "Care for Mom to Be" campaign has received recognition for its impactful design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Social Design category in 2020. This prestigious award honors designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life. By incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, the campaign contributes to making the world a better place.

In conclusion, the "Care for Mom to Be" campaign by Seyon Kim is a powerful initiative that promotes awareness and support for pregnant women. Through its innovative design and strategic placement in public spaces, the campaign encourages individuals to offer assistance and create a more inclusive society. By raising awareness and fostering empathy, the campaign aims to ensure that pregnant women receive the care and support they deserve during their journeys.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Seyon Kim
Image Credits: Photographed by Seyon Kim
Project Team Members: Seyon Kim
Project Name: Care for Mom to Be
Project Client: Seyon Kim

Care for Mom to Be IMG #2
Care for Mom to Be IMG #3
Care for Mom to Be IMG #4
Care for Mom to Be IMG #5
Care for Mom to Be IMG #5

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